




Dear H.R.S.'s Luhring and Augustine


They say it's hip to live in a castle.

Richter!  Is he the king?-NO!!!

Polke!  Is he the queen?-NO!!

Wool!  Is he the prince?-NO!!!

They might live in a castle, they might show in a gallery on Prince street,they might have been to a party in Queens, they might watch King of the hill (the funny cartoon).


What about Sir Paul McCarthy?  Isn't he royal enough?

No, you're thinking of Sir Paul McCartny and Wings.

Prince shows at Gladstone, Hirst at the Royal Academy.  But those royal names are just names.  We're talking about 130 Prince St., 2nd floor.

Now there is a castle in the sky.  We are talking about motherfucking Luhring Augustine, and to show the art world who the rightful owners of that castle are, we designed you a logo.  We are asking $900.00 for print-ready film and permission to use it.  The best part?  It's royalty free.  Every castle needs a coat-of-arms, so do yourself a favor, buy the logo.



Your serfs,


