Dear Mr. Jeffrey Deitch,
The European art
world is in many ways different from the American art world. In that way the art world is like the real
world. What we think is cool here in New
York, the people of Berlin think is good for nothing, or more likely they have
never seen it. It can take years for an
American invention to reach the mainland of Europe. And then when it gets there, they just spit
on it.
We seem to recall that you spent most of your
youth in Europe, or should we say, wasted your glory days out of ignorance and
arrogance for the 2nd world. Well thank
god that's behind us.
We are glad you have turned around and opened
your project space in SoHo and not Cologne. But do you know what?... We have seen it before. We are not talking about the projects you
show, (which we have never seen, but have heard from reliable sources that they
are quite excellent) we are talking about your so-called "logo". Have you ever heard of a fellow named Andy
Warhol mister? Well it just so happens
that he made a piece that is, fortunately for you, little known in America but
is peculiarly similar to your logo. We
are not implying that you are a plagiarist.
However, we took it upon ourselves to design you a logo, which we figure
for only $500 (for print-ready film and the rights) is a steal compared to what
you can expect the Andy Warhol Foundation will sue your ass for if they find
In your
best interest,